SAP Financials - Cash Journal Overview
In SAP, Cash Journal is used to record day-to-day cash transactions. This capturing of cash transactions is done with one screen which can be reached by menu path: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Incomings → Cash Journal or using transaction code FBCJ . The most important concept of cash journal is cash journal code. Each cash journal (or register) is identified by its cash journal code. The above transaction (FBCJ) is opened in the context of a particular cash journal . With above transaction (FBCJ), cash journal (or the entries within it) can be seen with specified date range and based on that date 'Opening balance' and 'closing Balance' are displayed (along with total receipts and payments). Please note that at a time same cash journal cannot be opened more than once unless it is opened in display-only mode. In cash journal, entries are done in the context of Business Transaction type. Business Transaction indicates t...